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  • Overview

The K&F Natural Night Filter distinct filter is designed to block the wavelengths of light created by mercury vapour, sodium and other Low CRI lights that are often used as streetlights. These lights are usually yellow/orange and are the primary cause of light pollution around cities. This makes capturing beautiful nightscapes near cities very difficult.


  • Multi-layer Anti-reflective Coating, to remove light pollution
  • Increase the contrast of the image, especially in the areas that were washed out by strong nearby street lights. 
  • Nanometer coating, coated with a double-sided multi-layer waterproof and oil resistant coating.
  • Scratch-resistant.

Kit Includes

  • 1x Natural Light Filter
  • 1x Protective Case

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Images and script subject to copyright Photoshack 2021.

K&F Natural Night Square Filter 100x100mm



Website price only

• Reduces light pollution for clear night skies or stars

• Multi-coated

• German optical glass

• Alloy aluminium frame

In Stock! Ships Today

Code: KFNatLight Square ID: 5145

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