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  • Overview
Microphones, lavaliers, shotgun mics and voice recorder options for iPad / iPhone from the manufacturers of RODE, whether it be audio, DSLR or voice recording, BOYA represents premium sound equipment.
The Dead Kitten and Dead Cat wind shield / muffler / sock is designed to minimise excess noise when using a microphone. They are especially good for high wind conditions or when the microphone needs to move while recording. No kittens or cats were harmed in the making of these products.
WindMufflerXL BYB04
Inner Length: 260mm
Width: 90mm
- can be used with the PMV1000L microphone, or a microphone with similar dimensions
WindMufflerL BYB03
Inner Length: 140-180mm
Width: 80mm
- can be used with the Boya BYPVM1000 microphone, or a microphone with similar dimensions
WindMufflerM BYB02
Inner Length: 70mm
Stretch Width: 100mm
Slack Width: 50mm
- can be used on the BYVM01 microphone, or on a microphone with similar dimensions
WindMufflerS BYB01
Inner Length: 60mm
Stretch Width: 80mm
Slack Width: 50mm
- can be used on the BYV02, BYVM300PS Microphones, or on a microphone with similar dimensions
WindMufflerXS BYB00
Inner Length: 40mm
StretchWidth: 60mm
Slack Width: 35mm
- can be used on the BYVM100S microphone, or on a microphone with similar dimensions

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Boya Dead Cat / Kitten - Artificial Fur Wind Muffler for Mics


Website price only

Code: WindMuffler

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